Solar Panel Installation For DIY Homeowners

Family Lifestyle
3 min readMar 29, 2021


Solar Panel Installation For DIY Homeowners

Solar panel installation is growing in popularity. It’s not hard to see why. Not only are you helping the earth, but households with solar panels can potentially save up to $10,000 per year on their energy bills. That sounds like a pretty huge return on investment, right? Yes, and no.

The initial investment for solar panel installation is fairly high. For this reason, many people hesitate to invest in them. However, the panels themselves are relatively low maintenance. In fact, the only routine maintenance that needs to be done is once a year to make sure they’re working well. The installation costs aren’t high, either.

The real reason that people opt for solar panel installation is because of the money they’ll save on their energy bills. Over the life of your solar system, you could save hundreds of thousands of dollars. The money you save can go towards paying off your loan, saving for retirement, or paying off credit card debt. Even if you’re only considering installing just one solar system, you’ll save money. The amount depends on where you live, of course, but even in a big city, the difference of just a few hundred dollars per year can make a big difference.

Solar Panel Companies

Solar Panel Installation

Still, many homeowners aren’t comfortable with the idea of having a stranger fix something so intricate. So many homeowners prefer to have their panels installed by an established solar panel installation company. These companies are generally reputable and offer some pretty attractive options. You can choose from an array of styles and sizes and companies can customize designs for you based on your specifications.

DIY or Professional Installation

Homeowners also have a choice between going with a do-it-yourself kit or a professional installation. Each option has its pros and cons. Do-it-yourself kits usually include everything you need to install your solar panels, but if you’re handy with tools, these kits might be your best bet. Professional installation firms usually charge more, but the quality of their work often justifies the higher price.

In addition, many homeowners are starting to learn that installing solar panels on their own cuts down on their overall impact on the environment. Solar power is clean and renewable, so it’s a good way for homeowners to feel good about doing their part to save the planet. The technology is constantly improving, meaning homeowners don’t have to spend a lot of time installing solar panels to reap the environmental benefits. By taking advantage of the new technologies, homeowners can also save money. While there’s no way to know what the future holds for solar panel installation, it’s obvious that we’re headed for a bright future when it comes to using this clean, free source of energy.

If you want to learn more or install solar panels in your home in the UK, head to UPS Solar to discuss your needs

